Saturday, 10 November 2012

Current loves.

So as promised, I've dedicated an evening to post something coherent and possibly interesting for you to read. 

Since starting my new job, I've found I have very little time to myself, especially in the evenings between dinner and bed. However, I do have plenty of time on the morning and evening commute to think of and plan future posts, so really I have no excuse. 

As I'm a busy bee, the simple things in life seem to make me happy right now. Number one on my current loves list is.... 

The BBC iPlayer app for iPad. Honestly, I have no idea what I did on my morning commute before I learnt that you an download BBC programmes on your iPad and watch them offline. Such a godsend when you're stuck on a train at 7:30am with the most boring business men! 

Number two: 

There had to be some nail polish in here somewhere! 
No particular polish in general really, but I am loving the rich colours inspired by this season's colour palette. I'm talking dark reds and berry tones, and a splash of gold to add a hint of metallic. It's a lot deeper and vampy than my usual girly pink choices but it works and it's growing on me more and more. However, one thing I don't like about the whole dark nails thing is the staining. Base coat is necessary! 

Finally, number three on my current loves list is my new super trashy, naff sounding book. I've recently been reading the pretty wordy Notre Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo following my lovely trip to Paris in September. However, it makes my brain hurt reading intelligent books on the train home so I decided something easy going and trashy would help. 

This is where "Gypsy Bride" comes in. I feel pretty silly reading it amongst business men reading the Financial Times but it's pretty entertaining and easy to read. It's written by (although I suspect not entirely) by a girl from My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, who as a 'gorger' married a gypsy boy in a lavish affair. I'm nearly half way through and it's pretty good so far. Not bad for £2.50 in The Works. 

What's made you happy this week? 


Thursday, 8 November 2012


I thought I'd better explain my absence, as I seem to have been neglecting my poor little blog since August! So much has happened since my last appearance, so I guess this counts as a catch-up/apology. 

I've got myself a full-time job in London so I'm an early bird commuter; getting up at 6am every morning and zooming off to Shepherd's Bush every weekday. I also get home pretty late, so by the time I've eaten and relaxed in front of the telly for an hour-or-so it's time to get showered and into bed for some much-needed sleep!

I'm going to set myself a goal of writing a post once a week, and I'm also going to branch out and write some more personal, un-nail-related items so I may be changing my URL if possible. I've been feeling pretty un-wordy since finishing my university studies so perhaps writing a non-beauty topic article every now and again might help me get back into the swing of things!

Starting next week I'll aim to write more often, but with the trials and tribulations of full-time work and commuting, I can't promise anything spectacular. I might even ask the boyfriend to help me with some HTML stuff... if he has the patience!

Amy x 

Friday, 24 August 2012

On a little side note..

I've reverted my layout back to a normal Blogger template for the time being. I'm hoping that a magic HTML/coding fairy will visit me in my sleep and magically design and make me an individual layout. However, I'm not that hopeful that this will happen any time soon, so major apologies!


Thursday, 23 August 2012

Aapri cleansing pillows

Hello hello! I'm a totally rubbish blogger but I've had lots and lots going on recently so blogging and taking time to write posts seems to have taken a bit of a back seat. However, I'm TRYING to find the time and actually turn on my MacBook. It seems a to have been a little redundant since I got my iPad so it's probably feeling a little unloved too! I've been meaning to write about these cleansing pillows for a little while, and seeing as I'm on my second box, it's about time too. 

These little babies have become my new best friends, in relation to facial cleansing that is! 

I apologise in advance for the terrible photos. My BlackBerry was all I had to hand at the time..

Now, these little babies set me back ONE WHOLE POUND from my beloved Poundland. Honestly, if you've never mooched around your local pound shop for bargains you may fall in love with (or let's be honest, hate and never use again) you really do need to pop in. Some are obviously better than others, but it's always worth a peep! 

I'd never heard of Aapri before, but Mother P tells me they've been around since the 1980's. In the box are 30 pads with a slightly rough fabric texture on one side, with a bumpy, mildly exfoliating texture on the other. The magic happens when you simply sprinkle a few drops of water on them and rub. A beautifully scented apricot foam appears before your eyes! Personally, I prefer the slightly rougher side as it leaves my skin feeling squeaky clean without being dry. I usually use one all over my face and neck once I've removed my make up; just so I know my face is totally clean and ready for moisturiser. 

Now, to me these seem like an amazing, revolutionary product but they've probably been around for donkeys' years and everyone has probably seen them. However, I'm a massive fan and I've even stocked up with 3 extra boxes under the sink in the bathroom just incase Poundland stop stocking them, as they often do. I love how easy they are to use and if I'm off to the boyfriend's house for the weekend I don't feel as if I have to cart all my lotions and cleansers around with me. 

So there we have it: my first proper post in no idea how long!

Have you ever used something similar, or even seen these around?


Monday, 13 August 2012


I reckon I'm probably the worst blogger ever to have existed! Since my last post way back in JUNE I've been pretty busy. I've finished university and even had my graduation so I'm no longer a student! 
Another reason for my ridiculous absence is that my poor MacBook battery is near death so the only way I can use it is if it's plugged in to the mains, so the iPad seems a much easier method of Internet browsing! 

However, I am to return to posting regular posts every now and again as I'm often working at silly hours and I'm currently waiting to hear back from a job application. Fingers crossed! 
Future posts include my recent bargains and new loves, OPI goodies from TK Maxx and other bits I fancy posting about. 

I've been thinking of some posts to write so I'll get writing tonight after work, even if it is just a little one! 

It's good to be back! 

Friday, 15 June 2012

Recent bits... continued!

So not to drown you with my inane waffle, I decided to split this post into two.
Here goes part two!

 1. Nail art bits
Left: Poundland, right: eBay. I love the studs!

2: Bourjois polish remover. 
So. Much. Love. It works like a dream. However, don't use it with glitter because it's shredded the sponge so whenever I use it now I get little bits of black foam on my fingers. It's not the end of the world though. 

3. Nina Ultra Pro 'Punki Pink'. My camera has done the WORST job at capturing just how neon this polish is. My BlackBerry did an OK job, so the last photo is from that. 

It's soooo neon and I am in love! I know it's not a brand that's available everywhere, but Sally's beauty wholesalers stock Nina and it's so affordable. I didn't pay over £3 for this, but that's because my Mum is a trade card holder. Might be a little more for standard sales. 

I've used this polish so many times these past few weeks, so I can safely say it's fast becoming one of my favourite polishes ever! I've currently got OPI's I Lily Love You layered over the top and it's so so so cute. 

Last but not least, my three new Revlon polishes. 

I FINALLY got my hands on 'Sparkling' (right). So so so pretty. The other two, 'Sunshine Sparkle' and 'Demure' are also gorgeous, but only cost £1! I've had Sunshine Sparke on my toes for a while and it's lovely and summery, despite the weather being otherwise.

I hope I haven't bored you to death with my ramblings. Have you had any recent bargains?


Recent bits!

Apologies for my super long hiatus! I've been working all the hours I can get at work and I've been taking it easy in my free time. Since finishing uni in May I haven't written anything coherent so forgive me if this post waffles on or makes no sense!

Recently, I've been stocking up on my bargains and other bits and pieces. Rather than posting about everything individually, I thought I'd write one or two posts with lots of photos and a couple of reviews. Here goes!

1. Glossybox May Goodies!

I love love love the Berber Oil and the smell of the Nobel Isle shower gel. I haven't attempted to wear the eyelashes yet but they're lovely. I'm not sure on the Lolita Lempika fragrances; they're a little strong for me. Lastly, I've used half of one of the face masks and didn't find it that thrilling actually :(

2. New polishes!

I've been a little naughty and bought quite a few over the last few weeks, but they're all too lovely. 

LOOK AT THE COLOURS! Poundland strikes again. I've never heard of Chit Chat anywhere else, but Poundland seems to have loads of it. For the measly sum of £1 sterling, I got my grubby mitts on this super polish. It may be just me, but I reckon it's a pretty good almost-dupe for OPI's Rainbow Connection. I know it's not the same, but it looks it to me! The only thing I don't like is the awful smell this polish seems to radiate. Perhaps it has naughty formaldehyde in :( For the photos above I layered it over ELF's Desert Haze.

Another cheeky Chit Chat polish: 

The blue holo chunky glitter shouted my name! I couldn't resist. Again, the smell is atrocious but under a couple of coats of top coat it's fine. I haven't swatched this yet, but I'm sure I'll be painting my toes some time soon. 

3. Essie lovelies!

I know they're not the current ones but I picked these babies up in TK Maxx a couple of weeks ago. I've found out that the name on the bottle of one of them is wrong, so I have no idea what it's called :( 

I'm pretty sure 'Enuf is Enuf' (left) and 'Carnival' (right) are the correct names, but the middle one is definitely not 'Lovie Dovie.' I reckon that's why it's in TK Maxx. However, I purchased these three babies for about £9.99. 

This is a mighty long post so I will continue a little later!
